Short Works for Orchestra

Careening Over the Cliff of Pre-History
Duration: 8:00 Price: $160 YouTube

Indulgent amorevolezza
Duration: 5:20 Price: $120 YouTube

Intangible Gridirons Marking the Anesthesia of Self-Knowledge
Duration: 8:00 Price: $160 YouTube

Let's Play With Matches on Company Time
Duration: 3:00 Price: $100 YouTube

Metaphorical Combustion Born of Clandestine Schizophrenia
Duration: 4:00 Price: $100 YouTube

Movement in which the orchestra sheds its skin
Duration: 3:30 Price: $100 YouTube

The Conductivity of Electric Reason Dismisses an Impossible Proclamation
Duration: 5:15 Price: $120 YouTube

The Vandalism of the Ozone of Human Desire
Duration: 8:15 Price: $180 YouTube

Through the Gates Delinquent
Duration:10:00 Price: $200 YouTube

The Tree Not the Pyramid
(222/220/tim, perc/strings)
Duration: 12:45 Price: $200 YouTube

To purchase any of these scores and parts, please send an email with your request.